Candy A Varty


Candy A Varty

Candy A Varty

Erotic Romance, Fantasy, Biographies & Memoirs, Religion & Spirituality

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  • Member Since

    Jul 2019

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    21 August

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Candy is a woman of many talents, writing, singing, painting and her love of farming. She is a passionate writer who tends to write from the heart and puts her soul into her work. Those who truly know her find her to be caring, strong, loving, and kind.
She started writing years ago but thought nothing of it as she was told her writing would never amount to anything, but she didn’t give up. She battled cancer at the age of 27 and was married 3 times.
Candy lives in a modest village in the upper part of Michigan where the trees and water call to her. That is where she feels at peace, out in nature.

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